Charlotte - #1 Social Seller on LinkedIn


Learn a Social Selling System, with sales and content to acquire clients consistently

I teach businesses how to consistently acquire clients and close deals faster through social selling and warm cold outreach. Trusted by hundreds of businesses, solopreneurs and sales professionals that have generated over $millions using my social selling and cold outreach secrets.


businesses served


revenue generated


sales calls generated

I Will Reveal To You…

•How you can get more clients predictably and consistently using social selling and outreach.
•Secrets to client psychology that you can apply instantly to increase your closing rates by 10-20%.
•Frameworks cold DMs and increase the chance of a prospect getting a Zoom call with you.
Effortless ways to improve your offer to get prospects interested in working with you.
A step-by-step framework to optimize your sales cycle from sending a cold DM to securing the meeting.

You can start to acquire clients predictably and consistently after 90 days of working with me, not another sales coach, you will get sales confidence and conversion strategies without using pushy or outdated approaches**

I Must Know If You’re Going Through Any Of This

Unpredictable Client AcquisitionOne month you're celebrating record sales, the next you're scrambling to pay the bills. You spend precious days looking for clients, fulfilling their needs, letting them go, and starting the prospecting hell over, afraid that it will take you weeks to get a new client.

You're Getting Ghosted By ProspectsYou send hundreds of cold DMs, but only 4-8 prospects get interested. The spark of curiosity quickly melts into silence when you showcase your boring offer, making it a torture for you to land even one more client.

You Make Money but Have No Time
You started your sales career or business to gain financial freedom, but you've become a slave to your own timetable. Even the family vacation you promised your kids feels like a mirage in the endless desert of emails and phone calls.

You Have No Simple Prospecting System
You find great prospects, but you’re utterly lost in how to turn them into clients. You waste hours desperately searching for the perfect conversation starter, losing time and prospects whom you could contact.

Your Sales Team Can’t Achieve Their GoalsYou set the monthly revenue target, but your and your team's eyes mirror a sinking feeling of barely reaching quota, leaving you watching competitors stealing your market share.

You Promise The World, But Get a Headache
To get prospects interested, you make insane claims, regretting the pain from fulfilling the promises. Things get so hard that every time you think about getting a new client, your hands start fearfully shaking.

Your Heart Stops When It Comes To Cold CallingYou’re good at pitching, but your heart sinks as you hear “We don’t have the budget,” eventually losing the prospect. You’re tired of failing deals and want to become the person who is asked, “How did you close that $150,000 deal?! We thought it’s impossible!”

Are You Facing Those Problems?
Here’s How I Can Help

I will walk you through a simple 4-step process, and by the end, you will have blown to bits the roadblocks preventing you from achieving your business goals.

What Can You Expect From Our Teamwork?

Set More Meetings ConsistentlyYou can ** increase** the number of meetings you set from every 100 DMs by crafting an irresistible offer and using emotional hooks that transform your dead-end DMs into client magnets, making you the only go-to authority.

Increase Your Closure RatesYou will turn frosty prospects into eager clients with psychological triggers that you and your team will unlock and will instantly use to transform pushy sales calls into friendly conversations that lead to closure.

Unlock Time For What MattersYou will set more meetings and close more deals faster, finally earning the guilt-free hours you can spend either on making more money or enjoying time with people you care about.

Improve The Productivity Of Your Sales TeamI’m the lieutenant for sales leaders who are tired of spinning their wheels with mediocre results. I will direct your team, improve their sales skills, and teach them a simple prospecting system that will transform them into money-making machines.

Increase Your RevenueI will equip you with proven tactics and tools to at least double your revenue, putting you on the next level of financial freedom where you finally can afford things that used to make your wallet cry.

Too Good To Be True?

Check out some of the wins from my clients

Now You’re Probably Wondering
Why You Should Work With Me?

Sure, there are a lot of coaches who claim they will help you get more clients.The problem is they make promises, but underdeliver, wasting not only your time but also losing prospects that could become your clients.I don't just teach generic sales tricks.After 20 years mastering social selling and cold calling, I've cracked the code on attracting high-paying clients who chase you, not the other way around.I will build a personalized step-by-step plan to destroy all the roadblocks you’re facing, replacing them with a red carpet for your new clients.My goal is not only to deliver results but also to create the best customer experience.I will treat your business as my own, sharing every secret from my 20-year sales arsenal to ensure that you will see more clients coming in after the first 2 weeks of working with me.This isn't just coaching, it's client-attracting alchemy.

See what Luke has to say about working with me after closing over $100,000 in deals in just 4 months using my sales techniques.

Here's what Alex has to say about going through training with his team and how it helped them eventually make their sales cycle faster.

I Am Not Only A Coach…

I'm also do keynote events.Imagine their sales pipelines overflowing, deals closing effortlessly, and LinkedIn mastery at their fingertips right after attending your event.With over 20 years of experience in sales and my results-driven coaching system, I dive deep into LinkedIn strategies, personal branding, and social selling.I'll take your audience on a thrilling journey through my sales trenches, sharing battle-tested tactics for crafting irresistible offers, closing deals with ease, and mastering LinkedIn prospecting leaving them with actionable knowledge to conquer the digital world.Do you want to unlock your audience's sales potential and give them invaluable insights?

My Story

20 years ago, I started my sales journey feeling lost and afraid to take my first steps.Some time later, I started an Instagram fashion account, but it failed, so I returned to a salaried job and created a brand via LinkedIn and cold outreach.It wasn't easy. I was ghosted more times than I care to count – over 7,000 echoes of silence that made me feel invisible.But with each rejection, I refined my approach, sharpened my tools, and discovered the secrets to client psychology that unlocked those precious doors.Within a year, my relentless hustle had conjured a miracle – a $2.5 million pipeline, bursting with eager prospects.2 years later, I shared my sales journey on LinkedIn, posted 5 to 7 times a week and built a 6-figure side hustle coaching sellers.Then boom, I decided to go all in on my business.I know what it's like to chase clients and be ghosted. But just like I built a $2.5M pipeline through an irresistible offer and strategic prospecting, I can help you to...

Stop Losing Lucrative Clients That Could Bring You your next $10,000 In Business

Imagine another month of unpredictable client acquisition, sacrificing family time for a job that isn't delivering the financial freedom you crave. How many prospects are you willing to lose? How much revenue will you miss out on?You lose valuable clients every day, potentially costing you over $10,000 in revenue every month. The reason? Hidden obstacles in your prospecting system, challenges with closing deals and maybe even a lukewarm offer.You can either keep pushing the invisible barriers, losing dream clients every day, or you can get a free consultation with me and bring to light every blind spot that holds you from the next level of financial freedom.You will finally land clients predictably, close deals with confidence, and enjoy the time and financial security you deserve.

Still Not Convinced?

Here are some more proofs

It's Harvey; he was struggling to understand how to get started with his cold outreach after entering a new niche. See how my LinkedIn framework helped Harvey gain a clear understanding of what he needs to do to secure as many meetings as possible.

It's Paolo; he used to struggle with his discovery skills and couldn't get a deep understanding of his prospect's situation, hence wasn't able to give personalized solutions. He felt that the advice from 'sales' experts was too vague, so he decided to contact me. See how most of his questions were answered right when we started working together.

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